Life, Death, Reincarnation - Ankh
As we live, new versions of our selves (and cells) are being born, while other versions are dying and others again are being transformed. How many times have you shed your skin? Birthed a new idea or chosen to let an identity of yours die? Everything is a flow of energy, we move in cycles.
Photographer: Anastasios Valentino Vlachos
Model: Sinclair Worldwide
Clothes designer: Sara Jooshesh
Art Direction & Styling: Rohmie Jade
RJADED talks with Sinclair
What’s something that strengthens
your life-force energy?
"I surround myself with the people who give me energy,
like my friends and family.
I also take time to be alone
and recharge, so that I can give back to the world, through my music."
Are you going through a transformation in your work/life right now?
"Yeah, I’ve been working with
a lot of youth. That comes with
it’s responsibilities. Not everyone
is open about their stuff.
So I’m trying to be as open as
possible and be the person that
they can talk to."
What’s one wish you have for the world?
"Stop the wars!And we need more music
that’s from the soul."